Ms. Jessie

Ms. Jessie is from Union, SC and has lived in Spartanburg since 2008. She has danced since the age of 4 and started competitive teams at the age of 7.
Ms. Jessie has won numerous titles; local, state, and national championships. She started dancing with Backstage Dance Connection in 2015, where BDC instantly became her family. She joined the VIP Competition Teams, winning multiple titles as well. She even won Miss ShowBiz in 2015 with her Lyrical solo.Dance has always been a passion of Ms. Jessie's. She specializes in Lyrical, Jazz, and Hip-Hop.
Ms. Jessie worked in healthcare for 7 years before becoming a firefighter for 2 years. She then went back to school for phlebotomy and now stays at home with her 1 year old daughter, Laynee.​